Monday, December 27, 2004

" So let the old year die with a fond goodbye..."

The New Year is coming upon us. Quickly. In like, four or five days. If I wasn't too lazy, I might look it up, but I ever so slightly wonder where the tradition of making New Year's Resolutions came from. I think that I remember hearing different tales about possible origins. One that I somewhat remember, though it may be a few traditions muddled together, is that in which people would write down the past years dissappointments, bad thoughts, fears, or sorrows, and then burn them or release them into the air via birds, balloons, or something like that. And then also making new wishes and setting new goals for the fresh year to come.

I am making another start. I am moving. I thoroughly enjoy my current living conditions with my family. In the fast few months I have had a tremendous time being the mean big sister again. And also some fun trying to be the sagacious, nurturing big sister, though not as often. (Quick aside: Brother had his wisdom teeth out today, four of them! He is doing better. He seems to be recovering well.)

Well, I am now venturing out, but not on my own. I am moving in with my best friend. I have heard from some people that we might not be best friends for long if we are going to be living together, and I have also heard the opposite from other people. For quite a while we have talked about living together, since we were younger. We had our own unique and corporate designs for what our living quarters would be. They may have been just a little bit beyond our budget, but who thinks about such minor details when you don't have to work for a living.

I am trying not to be anxious. I honestly can't think of a good reason that I should be. Some people say that any move or big change, no matter whether you view it as good or bad, has accompanying stress. Thankfully, I believe that the God that I serve is a good God, and He has always blessed me in little ways that have kept from going completely batty. He's still doing that now. Oh boy, I could tell you some amazing things that God has done on my behalf, even when I didn't realize it. I hope that He can use as much as and more than He has blessed me: it would be quite a lot of work.

Well, there are probably quite a few of us who need to work off some extra holiday calories. I'll try to knock a few out with a combination of mad dashing to pack and move and a little bit of nervous energy as well.

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