Saturday, December 25, 2004

"Alright; you're a fake and I'm a phony."

We are up watching Holiday Inn on the television. I suppose that spending time on the internet on Christmas Eve isn't the traditional way to interact with your family, but we're enjoying ourselves. Mother and Sister are knitting, Brother is intermittently reading over my shoulder, and I am, of course, typing an entry to this blog. I have been wondering how my friends are doing. I hope that they are doing well. Sister and I went to the store again today to pick up what I wasn't able to pay for yesterday. However, today we braved the snow and ice in my car. She is a good car, so it wasn't so bad, and a lot of the ice and snow have melted from braver, hopefully well-insured motorists driving along.

I look forward to tomorrow, getting to eat Christmas dinner with family. But, I am also hoping to be able to see some of my other family as well. You know what, I had better stop typing and go get to wrapping and cleaning. Love you all! God bless and Merry Christmas to you!

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