Saturday, December 18, 2004


But, I don't care. Do you know that I read that book about the boy that always said, "I don't care." I think that his name was Pierre. He was eaten by a lion because he didn't care. That book taught me, correctly or not, that one must never NOT care. However, I am not concerned with the fact that this will be my last opportunity to chance severe bodily harm by braving the crowds at the local stores or mall. I do love all of my friends and family, but if I haven't been able to buy you a present, I'm sorry to say that I don't have the nerves to try now.

On a serious note, one of my coworkers passed away this past Wednesday. Another reason that I don't care about the shopping potential of today. His funeral is later today. While I didn't get the chance to really know him, I know his girlfriend, and she's a sweet lady. They cared about each other very much, and this isn't going to be easy for her. She's in our prayers.

It will be a busy day later on, after I get some sleep. We have choir practice in the afternoon, and then I will be visiting with my dad. I pray that I don't get a bad attitude and drag other people down with me. There is hope for tomorrow because of what Christmas means: God loved us all so much that He sent his only Son to be born as a baby, live a human life, die a cruel death as a man, all so that we would be made right with God. It took Jesus' willing sacrifice to make atonement for our sin. Don't let me ever say that I am better than anyone because I have accepted this gift. I am just a sinner saved by grace, as you've probably heard said before. It's this hope that allows me to go on without staying in those depths of despair, and I know that I will see those loved ones who have gone home. If you don't have it yet, please get this joy, hope, love, and peace for yourself!

If you have questions about how to accept God's gift, you could check out, and might also help.

If you have more questions, you can post a comment on my blog and I'll see if I can get the answers for you. I also strongly encourage you to seek out a Christian friend or relative, and especially a local church. May God bless you and communicate his great love to you in a special way.

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