Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Snicket is Better a Little Lemony

We saw the Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events movie tonight with our dad. Sister has read all of the books I believe. I have read none of them, though I did have plans to, and still do. But, there are a LOT of books that I PLAN to read. Some I have even actually started reading. Perhaps if I hadn't read The Neverending Story I wouldn't feel so compelled to read all of these stories. It could also be that short stories and picture books are my downfall. Sometimes it takes a great effort for a story to really gain my rapt attention, even if it is one that I am very interested in reading. This may explain my love of children's stories. They understand the fickle attentions of a juvenile (or juvenile level) reader and compensate with grand sceneries, uniquely intriguing characters, and evocative details. This movie was lots of fun, especially the credits!

Yes, that's all. Odd, no?

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