Friday, February 18, 2005

Woe is My Bank Account

Well, I am sure that it is not too bad, and as things go, there are plenty of other things that could be worse. Today will be the third day that I have not gone into work because of being sick. It isn't much fun sitting around the house being bored to tears and aching to pieces. But, I felt that it would still be better than going to work and spreading even more germs in an already germ-saturated environment. It would also be quite embarrasing if gross stuff was oozing out of my ears onto my desk, telephone, or anything else at work. That would just be digusting and humiliating. There is still quite a bit of otic discharge, though the turbidity and viscosity of the oozings have changed (Does anyone know if I am using these terms appropriately? If I was going for word count I could say that the stuff coming out of my ear is thicker in consistency and somewhat more vivid in coloring, not so watery. Yeah, I think that those words are used correctly, shorter.)

However, despite the amount of gunk that is coming out, the swelling and pain have decreased considerably. I am hoping that the gunk will decrease too, but I think that I will need to exercise some of that patience that I prayed for. That is also an interesting topic: patience, more specifically, praying for patience. I have joked about it with friends at church and school. Some people say that you should not pray for patience because God, being a generous, loving God who does desire to answer our prayers, will most certainly put you in situations that will teach you patience. How else would we end up with gridlocked rush hour traffic and those terrible afterschool grocery lines. Some of those people probably prayed for patience. I know that I am trying to be funny, but truly, a lot of my prayers have been answered, especially the ones for patience. You might not believe it, but I could tell you some funny....

I am beginning to go off on a tangent. I have been reading some other blogs, and some of the postings are very long. I don't think that this is bad, but I don't think that it would be fair to inflict too much of my ways of thinking on you all at once. It should be more gently, gradually done. Otherwise I would probably be receiving more complaints of nightmares, acute paranoia, and toe jambs in conjunction with reading my blog. Thankfully, that has not been the case yet. Or you know, it could just be the antibiotics talking. When I talked with Sister a little bit earlier this afternoon, we were both a little bit crazy. BBB said that I was just punch drunk: maybe from the earache? Well, I don't know. I do know that I look forward to being a wholly healthy person again soon.

If I don't get better very soon, I may not have any money at all. Then how would I buy my spinach? If you see anything about the National Spinach for Fiona campaign, I hope that you will open your hearts, and your pocketbooks, to aid in this terrible situation. But, until you hear about that, please seriously keep the Asian tsunami victims in your prayers, and check out some of the ways that people have helped, and maybe some ways that you can help. May God bless our combined efforts!

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