Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Is Some Explanation Needed?

Probably not. One of the potentionally annoying facets of me is that I like to over-explain things sometimes. To get to the point, the reason that the previous entry has its title - Back in [Sn]ac[k]tion - is because there was this awful monster en mi estómago que se llama hambre (in my stomach calling itself hunger) just before I went to Spanish class! Ya see, I accidentally slept until about twenty-five minutes until my first class started this morning. Since I would already be late, and my teacher already knows that I was sick, I contemplated sleeping in and skipping my first class. However, I rose up, put my books in my bag, threw on something mostly decent, and headed for the door. I did grab a package of cheese crackers to eat on the way, and I drank a small glass of juice. So, that's why my tummy was a bit rumbly. If one is built like a work horse, one cannot subsist on a breakfast like that to get them through five or six hours.

When I got home from school I had a lovely lunch of black beans and sliced hot dogs, with a piece of wheat bread, and about a half cup of 'nilla ice cream with some cubes of cantaloupe. That poor acid-swimming monster has been quieted.

CHALLENGED: Your beloved Fair One has been challenged by another blogger, one Super Fox, a mischievous mastermind of uncharted neuronal activity levels! As of Monday, February 7, 2005, she posted her challenge for myself to a mental duel of sorts. I have accepted this dare. If you wish to know the nature of her challenge, or wish to accept the challenge yourself, I would direct you to her entry containing said provocation, Recovered and Soon to be BACK IN ACTION!!!

At the present time, I need to go accept another challenge: I have chores that I need to be about doing. So, I hope that you have a wonderful day!

(P.S. And thank you for continuing to give me a reason for continuing to write this blasted blog. If you didn't read this blog, what other poor soul would be kind enough to suffer through my dillusions of grandeur? You do a good job! In fact, you deserve a raise! I think about 2.5 % more than I pay you now would be appropriate. And is that a new shirt that you're wearing? Don't you look spiffy! *wink* Seriously, lovies to each of you!)

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