Sunday, February 27, 2005

Magenta, Burgundy, Flame, Brick

I attended, and participated in, my first ever Bunko game last night. It was a lot of fun! I have read about it in the paper and heard about it from friends, but I never really knew just what Bunko was about, or how to play. Well, the game itself is fun, but it was also a lot of fun getting to meet the ladies that were there, and to visit with some old friends that I have not seen for a while. And Sister got to come! Sister won two times, her winnings being some lovely candles, and Antipasti book, two bottles of red nail polish, two red ink pens, and some red M&Ms, among the ones that I can remember. I one once, but my prize was a really cool red plaid purse with black stripes. I was telling sister that I need to get a skirt to match, some fishnet hose, black boots, and I would have a really sweet outfit. (This special outfit would probably only be worn to go to the movies with Sister and Brother or BBB; or to walk around the house singing some Nancy Sinatra tune to myself.)

The theme of the party, if you haven't already caught it, was "Shades of Red." We were to wear something red (I wore my read "Nashville" t-shirt; not very dressy, but quite red), many of the foods were red (like the Red Velvet Cake: Yum!), and most of the decorations and gifts were red or had red in them. The nails of the fingers typing this entry are currently bright red, as Sister painted them with the nail polish that she won. Loads of fun!

There have been a number of fun/nice things this week. Getting to talk with old friends, spend some more time getting to know new friends, and the possibility of a new job with the company that I work for. It is not a certain thing, but I am supposed to talk to a lady about a data-entering position on Monday. Excitement and exhaustion are swirling around in me right now. As well as more blood sugar than I care to think about right now. Hopefully not too much. I do not currently have blood sugar problems, but I do need to keep an eye on my health, which is really always a good idea anyway.

Well, I am speaking from a partial delirium at this point, so there really is no focus to this writing that I can discern. So, I will try to get some good sleep so that I will be awake and alert and ready to learn in church tomorrow. I hope that you all have a good night and may God bless you!

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