Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Stupidity is a Lot Easier

Well, it's getting down to the last few weeks of the semester. Right now, stupidity would be so much easier. I could just blow off all of my classes, maybe go to work, and spend more time with my family, my friends, and the long list of books I need to/want to read. But, as I have learned from good friends who have lifetimes of experience, stupidity doesn't pay very well. I suppose that I don't really want to be stupid, but lazy. Unfortunately, laziness doesn't pay much better.

So many things in life would can seem so hard to deal with at times. I personally have nothing to complain about. I am SO blessed by God. But, there are times when dealing with things like finances, interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal relationships, I just kind of wonder what I am supposed to do. BBB and Sister are good sounding boards; they both listen and tell me what they honestly think. They are also very smart and very understanding. For instance, I am up this early because my sister and I accidently woke each other up a little bit before 5:00 this morning. We started talking and didn't really try to get back to sleep, until about 20 or 30 minutes ago. I tried, but gave up. I will be able to make it up later.

But, I didn't really want to go back to bed just yet because it was good talking with Sister. I also talked with BBB last night over the telephone. Honestly, she puts up with a lot from me. I am sometimes a little bit annoying. As you can certainly tell, it's not THAT often, but it has been known to happen.


We pause our regularly scheduled ranting to bring you a personal preference plug-

Do you like Christian Rock music like Fiona the Fair?
If you do, you might check out http://www.Xthealbum.com featuring artists and music from the X2004 Album - 17 Christan Rock Hits!
Good music, good message, Great God!

We also recommend checking out the individual artists Tobymac, Tait, Relient K, Superchic[k], Pillar, KJ-52, 12 Stones, and Audio Adrenaline, to name a few.


Well, I am going to try to be a good, productive student and work on some school work. I like Anatomy and Physiology! Don't you? Yes, let us join books and study Anatomy and Physiology. (Don't look at me like that, I think it's fun. *big grin*)

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