Friday, November 26, 2004

Scrooge Was Right, When He Was Drunk

I do not in anyway condone drinking, just to let you know. But, I have been thinking about all the things that I want to write. If you have read or seen any version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, you probably remember his encounter with the Ghost of Christmas Present, who had him drink from a cup that contained "the milk of human kindness." In one version, with Albert Finney in the lead role, Scrooge becomes quite plummed and sings a song with the cheery apparition that goes something like, "I like life, life likes me, life and I nearly fully agree." There's more to it, but I think that I truly agree with the basic sentiment: I LIKE LIFE! Sometimes I can't help it, especially when I think of all the things that I enjoy, or when I am busy doing all those things that I enjoy. Granted, there are times when I do not have such a Pollyanna attitude (like when I am hacking up my lungs at work and hoping that my supervisors aren't staring daggers into the back of my head), but most of the time I do try to find that silver lining. This perspective has been nurtured by my family and friends as well, even if they don't fully realize it.

This also may give some explanation to my appreciation of all the oddball, off-the-wall, crazy things that I like. For instance, I am listening to the soundtrack to Chocolat, with it's soft flute and sweeping strings. It has a sort of ethereal sound at times, like you're walking through a fairy forest in a dream, or you're watching a unicorn walk along a brook from your hiding place behind the untamed honeysuckle. On the next track you're strolling through an indian market, silk draping your shoulders and trailing behind you in the jasmine-scented breeze as you make your way to the square to watch the storytellers. And you can't help but have a little swagger and bring your eyes up into a smile above your veil. Okay, yeah, I know. But I keep myself entertained. Another thing that I like: the movie Fairytale:A True Story. It's a very good movie. You should go watch it right now. That way I can stop typing and go eat dinner. Happy viewing!

NOTE: To those of you who know me, no teasing! Otherwise, raspberries to you!

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