Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Dogs Just Get a Bad Rap

Well, it is the day before the celebration of Thanksgiving in America, and I am thankful for many things. None of which is the worsening cold that I have been nursing since Monday evening. It caused me to leave work early Monday, call in on Tuesday, and I am currently attempting to enjoy life as much as I normally try to while coughing, wheezing and spitting up varying shades of phlegm. I know, I probably shouldn't entertain you with the gross facts, I forgot that not everyone is as morbidly inclined as yours truly, especially when she is sick.

But, I do feel an obligation to keep my adoring public up to date, as this appears to be their wish. I actually don't mind being sick too much, I just don't really like all of the things that come along with it. Some people say that they enjoy pain because it helps them to remember that they are human. I suppose that I am similarly minded when it comes to being sick. I am normally quite healthy and in some weird way enjoy the reprieve. And I do think that dogs get a bad rap; how many dogs do you know that are always sick, or always coughing, sneezing, and hacking up myriad other lovely little things around the house? So why do we say, "sick as a dog?" I just don't understand.

As far as I can tell, the sum of my symptoms are 1)a sore throat, 2)a sprinting nose, 3)upset stomach, 4)mild earache, 5)mild chest and arm pain (which may be from the exercises the day previous), 6)and a feeling like my head is full of wood shavings, though not so much today. When I wasn't evaluating the green-yellow-orange-brown spectrum pooring forth from my nasal passages, I spent most of the time sleeping. This was a very comforting experience as I have been skimping on sleep of late, which is probably one of the reasons that I AM sick. This could be seen as cruel irony.

Enough of that. I do have some work to do in preparation for tomorrow, and I probably should be praying that our kitty that ran out this morning gets back soon and that my grades don't plummet (Brother says that this is a double intimation, as "plummet" means "to fall from a high place," or something to that effect, therefore inferring that my grades are currently high :) this semester. I will try to post tomorrow on what I am thankful for. There are many, many things to be thankful for. Even this blasted cold.

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