Thursday, March 03, 2005

Incredible Lemony Saw Hitch Hide and Seek

I don't know if I can make any sense this early in the morning. Sleep will hopefully be achieved in no more than twenty minutes, but I have been wanting to post for some time now and felt compelled to indulge now while I am awake. There are many things that I have wanted to talk about, but haven't been able to, so this post might be a bit copious. My apologies in advance.

  1. HouseholdMotherFigure(HMF) and I saw The Incredibles this evening. What a "WICKED!" movie! *big grin* BBB was going to try to see it with us, but was unable to this time. We will have to be more... resourceful next time.
  2. I have very slowly been able to stop some of the bad habits that tormented me. And this was not accomplished through active pursuit of a goal. I have prayed about these things before, and I just got too busy to worry about getting upset with myself when I backslid. Then, I just got too busy to backslide!
  3. I have replaced some of the aforementioned discarded habits with new ones, though not so odious. The first is the habit of sleeping in my car. Everyone is different, but I really like the feeling that I get when I first slip into my car when it has been sitting in the sun on a mild, but sunny day. It feels similar to a sauna, probably aided by the leather seats that retain heat well. It's very relaxing. I used this method to get some much needed rest while I was quite sick. The way that this has become bad is because I missed my Spanish class on Monday. Unfortunately, I did not do it unintentionally either. I woke up in time to get to class, but I decided that I was too tired to try. Shame on me.
  4. The second bad habit is of course wasting my time. I have been reading a lot of my friends' blogs, and just random blogs. I'm a very curious person and I suppose I feel a little bit more connected to them when I read about what is going on and how they feel about it. But, I have been spending more time doing that than I need to.
  5. The doctor prescribed another round of antibiotics because of the condition of my right ear. Hearing has increased in my right ear, but there is still a good deal of distortion, which makes things confusing, though I have kind of enjoyed it. Things just sound a little different. I have also had the chance to bug more people by repeating either, "Huh?" or "What did you say?"
  6. BBB and HMF said something the other night to the affect that I have ADD, or something similar. I cannot disagree. There is not enough evidence that I can think of to refute this hypothesis, and there is a fairly substantial amount of evidence to corroborate their assertion.
  7. I went to the mall with a friend from work today (well, technically yesterday) and noticed another bad habit that I have probably carried for a while: I seem to enjoy pointing out my flaws. Repeatedly. Certainly there is no problem with honesty and airing some dissatisfactions with oneself, in an attempt to improve upon these qualities. However, there is only so much whining that some people can stand, she didn't say anything about it, and I may be over-analyzing the situation. Still, while trying to get to know someone and become better friends with them, it would probably be better to just enjoy each other's company and "accentuate the positive."(that is such a cool song! The Andrew's Sisters were some amazing ladies! And Bing Crosby sang that song with them as well.)

Well, enough about me. "Sleep shall fall across my eyes as an anvil graces itself on the crown of an unsuspecting cartoon character." Perhaps it shall not be that hard to snatch some Z's, but just in case I will try to think like McGyver. Or at least make use of one of the numerous Wally World bags that has accumulated in my room. I really need to put those things away. Actually, I really need to clean my room. And do my homework. And spend more time with the siblings. And remember to ask them what Dad asked me to ask them, but I forgot to ask them and so will have to ask them tomorrow evening after work. Did I mention that I AM going to sleep now? G'night and may God bless you!

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