Saturday, March 05, 2005

Dismantling [personal] Atomic Bombs

If I asked if there are any U2 fans out there, I would probably (hopefully) get a good response. They are not my favorite band, though I do really, really, really like their music, and other aspects of the band. Brother let me borrow his copy of their latest release, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. I have not been able to listen to it through, but I did start listening to it this morning while I was getting ready for school. The majority of the music that I listen to is either Christian Rock, Christian Urban, Classical, Prairie Home Companion (on NPR), or the Midnight Special (on NPR). But, I also like listening to the music that Brother and Sister like to listen to as well. They have good ears. And it's nice to find common ground. Music can be very good at bringing people together. (Unfortunately, it can also have a polarizing effect, but that's another post, or not.)

Desires to post positive thoughts and discussions have been pinging in my chest both yesterday and today. I want to share that I am happy about a new position that I have started training for and working on at the company with which I am employed. I am now a transcriber, and so far I am enjoying it. Having a big head I also kind of enjoyed my friends from the floor telling me that they would miss me, since I am being holed away back in transcription. (I am SUCH a garbanzo bean! Me and my ego.) But, I really will try to make it a point to go see them on breaks as much as I can. Hmm...

Anywho. As much as I am in elan about the new position (which actually may not be definite, depending on how I perform during training, but so far, so good), recent events have weighed on me internally. A couple in my church family lost one of their grown daughters who was married with children of her own. She was not much older than me. What to say or do? And, this may not seem as heavy to some, my siblings and I found out that the only dog that we have ever lived with and intimately cared for passed away in November. Life is crazy, so the reasons that we didn't find out until now are crazy, but for the sake of brevity (hahaha), irrelevant. If you know me, you know. [Divorce sucks the life and souls out of people!]

Sister told me of the thing the other night when I went to visit after work. Mom and we kiddies were sent a picture of Ben (our big, lovable, lug of a dog) that was taken in our old back yard Before. It's a very good picture of him. There is a message that was typed on the picture that is addressed to us from Ben. For the most part my brain is very much fixed on the present moment. When Ben had to leave us, I didn't think about the fact that I would most likely not see him again. This almost makes me mad. Not at any person, that I can tell, but just at the situations. [Insert euphemisms here!] Maybe it's a mixed emotional cocktail with a splash of regret thrown in too. I didn't try to keep in contact very well, though it might not have mattered. Truly, I wouldn't whether or not it would have mattered unless I had tried harder to keep in touch. [Cry of Job here!] It's not the end of the world for us. But, Ben was also important to the person who sent us the picture of him. Ben was probably one of the few, if not only, companions that he had. I don't know that for sure. I do know that he dearly loved Ben. [gnashing of teeth!]

Well, brevity indeed! I am so tired. I have to work tomorrow too. Then there are more things to do after work.

#1- hug Mom, Sister, Brother, and Little Sister bunches!

I need sleep. I need a shoulder. I need to grow up.

I need you, Lord!

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