Thursday, January 06, 2005

Packing up, moving out: I want my mommy!

Okay, I don't know if I can actually write anything right now and have it actually make any sense. But, I will try my best as I know that my adoring public has been without my wonderful rantings for far too long. I can deny you all no longer.

BBB and I saw the Lemony Snicket movie again today. Lots of fun! And BBB cut her hair today too. It looks cool. I kind of want to cut my hair too, but I can't just yet. Why? I want to grow it long enough to donate it. Sister did this, and it's really an awesome thing to do. I probably still have a few months to go. Now, I made a deal with Sister that when the time comes, she has the rights to chopping my hair. You are now witness to it. Yup, maybe I'll see if I can borrow a digital camera and get a picture of it on here when she does cut it off. Maybe we can even streak it with some temporary pink dye. Woohoo!

Well, the only thing that I have left is random stuff:

  • There are about two weeks until the next semester starts.
  • Sister has another Forensics thingee coming up in a few weeks.
  • I got sick yesterday. I even regurgitated! (Did I spell that correctly?)
  • Sister is going to take another ACT test in a few weeks too.
  • Oh yeah, Welcome to 2005!!

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