Saturday, October 30, 2004

"Working 9 to 5" Isn't Such a Bad Way to Make a Living

I work. I think that I have already mentioned that I work, or it is somewhat apparent. One might ask, "Why does Fiona the fair work?" Fiona the fair would answer, "That is a good question!" Why do I work? I work because I have what I think is a very nice car that was given to me by wonderful people. This car must be insured for me to legally drive it. This car must also have gasoline in order for me to meet its mechanical demands. I must be able to drive to get to work and school.

I also want to be able to give back to God and others. I have been so blessed in my life, and I believe that I am not blessed just to sit around and say how happy I am about being so blessed. After thanking God for keeping me from living in the streets without any food or legs, I should try to give Him what is His and reach out to the people that He loves(which includes you!).

My sibs and I also enjoy the occasional flicker for diversion. This also usually involves more gas (in order to drive to see said flicker) and often foodstuffs of some sort. And there are sometimes football games, church activities, school activities, and other inspiring, educational, or just entertaining events to partake in, which inevitable require some amount of money.

So I work for an income, truly. But, more recently I have come to enjoy my work, as bizarre and twisted as that may sound. I do not hate it anymore, and I appreciate my coworkers and supervisors who are some interestingly unique people. One or two of the supervisors are very stern and demand quite a bit, but this is good because I feel that they make me perform my job more efficiently and accurately. There are also some supervisors who are more lenient and will allow a little more wiggle room, within policy. Finally, there a number of excellent supervisors (three that I can name without hesitation) that hold you to a reasonably high standard, but also make themselves available to answer questions without talking down to you. It is hard sometimes, and I tend to be quite critical of myself when I am not doing so well.

But, I am home for now and have the weekend off! So I will try to spend some of it now sleeping.

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