Saturday, November 07, 2009

speak easy, listen hard

This afternoon, instead of working in the biology office as I’ve been doing the last few weeks, I was able to work with my boss on some of the projects he needed to take care of: inoculating some nutrient broth test tubes with Bacillus, Serratia, and some other bacterium as well as checking inventory against the database. I love working in the biology department! Before we actually got to the tasks awaiting us we just spent some time talking in his office, which is another one of the things that I really enjoy about my job (it’s never dull working with Bob). Our conversation started with just the basic fair but after a short time we were talking about faith and trusting God. Some of the things that really stuck with me were the questions that we’ve both had come up about bad things happening to good people, being more Christ-like, and the verse that says something about going into a closet to pray.

After walking with Jeannine tonight, God laid something on my heart that was a culmination of a few conversations I’ve had the last few days, all leading into the importance of keeping communication open with God.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness” Jeremiah 31:3

Lovers usually don’t yell at each other across a room but instead get close and speak softly to each other. When speaking with this loved one, you intentionally incline yourself toward that other person so you can hear what they’re saying and really listen to what they’re trying to tell you, listening with everything that you can so you get the full message and provide feedback. Your intent interest shows in your posture, gestures, and the reactions to what the other person says. God pursues us and wants to be in relationship with us; He pours out blessings and leaves little notes and hints, small gifts to remind us that we are loved and cared about. Sometimes they’re not overt or they’re confusing and we won’t understand what He’s trying to get across unless we slow down, focus ourselves on this conversation with our soul’s Lover and listen intently, soaking up not just the words but all that we can of Who is directing His love toward us.


zack said...

You have such a beautiful soul, i try to find words that can describe this beauty, but these words have not been invented yet. The depth that you have... oh my, it is so amazing.

fair one said...

Thank you, love. I feel the same way. I'm grateful for you in my life. And thankful for hugs and kisses because it seems they can fill in where words fail.