Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cayenne I help you?

That same soreness was still in my throat when I woke up this morning. The cough had gotten worse. So I went out to the living room and started watching Enchanted with the roomie and her kids, or at least what was left of it. Two cups of coffee and a slice of cold pizza later the movie was over. A brief intermission occurred and then Spanglish was put in the movie playing machine. Having only watched it once before, I forgot how much I like that movie.

Instead of having another slice of pizza I heated up a bowl of the chicken soup that Zack brought over last night when he and Diane came over for an evening of Canadian comedy and oven-baked pizza. Wow! ¡Sopa deliciosa y picante! So good. Me thinks it has helped my sinuses open up too. It had spiral noodles, celery, onion, garlic, and other seasonings as well. Mmm... Campbell's can't beat it.

I'm looking forward to being well again. Inspiracion:

Hope from yllcn on Vimeo.

Another funny video, to help improve your cookie eating technique: ROCKETBOOM'S Interview with The Cookie Monster

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