Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Do You Trust Me?"

The other day I went to fix a sandwich for work and decided to have chicken lunch meat, as that was the only lunchmeat left in the fridge besides the big pack of turkey lunchmeat. The turkey lunchmeat is newer, and I am somewhat crazy about rotating our grocery stock. It certainly wasn't past date, but I checked with my olfactory organ just to make sure that it was okay. Then I stopped myself. Can any processed, packaged wannabe meat be "okay."

And we muddle through still.

I don't know if I have mentioned it much on here, but I am living in an apartment with my best friend now. It is kind of interesting so far. We still haven't gotten everything unpacked, but the dining/living room is coming together. BBB hung up some of the artwork the other day, and it really livened it up, made it even more like home. We've both kind of gotten used to moving, probably she more than I, so it hasn't been too hard for us to feel at home. That actually happened pretty quick. I think what we're starting to do now is set up those little habits and peculiarities for us in our new place.

Like eating food that I would otherwise turn my nose up to. Ohh... I remember the days when I had a waistline. They weren't so long ago, were they?

1 comment:

Super Fox said...

I do challenge you, senorita. Prove your messedupedness, if you can.