Friday, April 01, 2005

Green Chickpeas

Last night, which is still only one or two hours ago, was splendid. At work, we completed our work load and left two hours early. We were also sent home with goodies since there had been a party earlier today. The day shift left some wonderful things: chocolate covered peanuts, some exquisite peanut butter fudge cheesecake stuff, a meat and cheese tray, and some salsa con queso. I brought home the rest of the peanut butter cheesecake stuff and the salsa con queso. Mmm.

After work, since I got off early, I planned to go watch the rental movies with Sister and Brother, but they were going out to the movies with Mom and Jolly. So, much to my delight, I was able to watch a movie with Grandma. We declined to view the rental movies in favor of an old film version of Little Lord Fauntelroy, based on the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett. When we were still homeschooling, this book was on the list of books that Mom wanted us to read, and I actually read it. I think that I first heard the story when Mom read it to us. (And that's a wonderful habit, I think. Sharing treasured stories aloud, whether by recitation or reading, is such an amazing memory.)

I forgot how funny it was, and there were some very notable actors of the day in the movie. Mickey Rooney played the role of Dick, the shoeshine boy that was friends with young Ceddie. One of the Barrymore ladies was in it as well, but I don't think that it was Ethel, and I honestly couldn't tell you for sure. Grandma worked on the houseshoes/bedsocks that she is knitting while we both watched the film. It was nice.

Driving home in these wee hours has been nice. There is almost no one else on the road, and I can roll the windows down, turn the radio on (or not) and just take my time. I was especially taking my time this evening. After turning onto East German Canal street, I saw a light, tan-colored feline slinking across the five lanes not too far ahead. It did hurry up and finish across. Further down, when I was closer to home, I spotted something by the trash bags that were moping in front of one of the darkened houses. I slowed down to make sure that I didn't hit it, and I caught a glimpse of it: a raccoon. I went a few driveways up and turned around to go see it again. I was stalking a small, foraging raccoon at 1:00 in the morning. I finally did go home after getting in a few more good looks at him.

Well, if I don't want to look like he did, I better go ahead and go get some sleep. I feel like I might fall asleep on the keyboarlkj e li sdlkfj nr aokls oiwer/;/o awiiuse;rl.

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