Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Back in [Sn]ac[k]tion!

I don't think that the title is that good, but this is a quickie. The illness that washed over me this past weekend is waning, so I am at school. I have Spanish class in just a few minutes. I was also able to make it through Chemistry class and the lab yesterday rather uneventfully. A few sniffles here and there, maybe a cough or two. Our HMF(HouseholdMotherFigure) gave me some good decongestant/cough suppressant before I left for school, and that helped tremendously!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it through my regular shift at work last night. The medicine had probably worn off because the sniffling, near-sneezing, and coughing would not be subsided. Thankfully, the supervisors were understanding.

Well, I better get to class.

Quiero apprender hablar espanol.

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