I do feel rather glum about it. "It will be like an extended vacation, just with a full time job as well." But, you know what, God will still see me through this. It may all be for the best. I was hoping to take the Spring semester off anyway. This way I will just be extending my summer vacation. I plan to schedule times to study so that my gray matter doesn't trickle out my ears and slosh away in protest. This looks scary from here, but the best will be made of it.
The good news is, I may have more time to spend with Sister and Brother. This will be her first semester away at college, so she might want to come home pretty often. This way my wheels might be more readily available to her. We already planned to try to spend as much time together as we possibly could.
Another bonus is that I will not have to forego helping out with the kids at church. And since our pastor's wife is hoping to get something started for the youth on Wednesday nights, I may be able to be a part of that. I definitely want to pray about it though. I know that I would love to work with the youth, but I don't that God would have me be in a position of leadership in that kind of ministry. I'm not certain that leadership is one of my gifts. But I definitely have a heart for the youth of our church and hope that I can connect with them still being kind of close in age. Who knows?
Well, I know Who knows. That's why I'll be praying about all of this.
The moral of the story is:
Listen to your younger but wiser sister and get your financial aid papers finished and turned in straightaway.
And don't eat liver with onions followed by macaroni and cheese from the box. Just trust us on this one.